Buying and Selling at Air Industry Shows

The main goal of the vendor at an airline trade show is to sell their wares. They are also seeking leads to buyers who may not purchase at the show but are ready to make purchases later in the year. The vendor's direct goal in attending any trade show is to make enough good sales to ensure the company has a good profit. Their secondary goal is to find out what is new with other vendors and products in the market. Attending trade shows is one way to find out what competitors are building.

Attracting potential buyers is the most important goal at any trade show. Just as other industries, these trade show vendors often use promo girls to help attract attention to their exhibits. The vendors know that an attractive face has sold many items, and they have a huge investment to cover. Sales are paramount and must come first. Profits are often difficult to find in an industry where the cost of manufacturing these complex machines is not small.

Buyers attending airline industry shows work for large airlines and small air services. Many of them are busy people and need to learn as much as possible while they are at the show. They need to know what is new on the market and see if there are better deals for older designs. The cutting edge technology is important to them as well. Servicing and maintenance contracts are generally examined at air shows. If a buyer is looking for a certain vendor, the exhibition staff is available to help them locate the booth. The staff has long experience in directing buyers and vendors through their large and crowded halls.

Many of the vendors count heavily on events staffing for assistance when setting up displays. Straightening out issues is a small part of the staff's work. It is their job, once the show has begun, to ensure vendors and buyers have the necessary badges to access the booths. They do whatever is possible to assist buyers and vendors by running a seamless show that accommodates all parties.